Season 1 – Episode 4 – Winter Mist
Bob 28 Minutes – Joan ~1 hr – In which Bob and Joan almost break up but instead she angrily mows the lawn, comes back to partakes of episode 5.
The only reason…that Joan’s painting MIGHT look better than Bob’s is due solely to camera and image quality. This is an ugly painting. And painting it made me feel like I really don’t know how to paint…which I wonder from time to time anyway…but Bob just takes that feeling and smashes my face in it. A few things went wrong here… 1 – Joan has her canvas in the wrong orientation. 2 – She was painting with Bob. 3 – She couldn’t take it and tapped out at minute 26…Bob went on for another 2 minutes…which you’d think would be nothing…but Bob probably painted a whole 95 more trees for the Moose to hide in. What moose? Oh…just the moose that the hunter who lived in the cabin ran off to catch but for one reason or another after chasing the moose never came back to the crumpled down VT style wood shack.
It’s all just smoke and mirrors and bad taste. And I forgot to mention…This cabin, in Joan’s painting, is why you stay out of the forest so as to not get murdered.